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Step into the exhilarating world of Flip N Forecast, where you harness your inner meteorologist and navigate the whimsical world of weather prediction. This thrilling card game tests your forecasting prowess as you predict whether the next card will be higher or lower, but remember the weather can change in a flash! Use special power cards to steer the forecast to your advantage and see if you can clear your pile to become the Round's Weather Champion! Flip N Forecast is a perfect blend of strategy, luck, and a touch of meteorological magic, with simple rules yet engaging gameplay. It's a fantastic game for friends and family, and with three compelling rounds, each match brings fresh excitement and challenges. The cumulative scoring system ensures the competition remains fierce until the final card is played. So, will you ascend to the title of Supreme Meteorologist, or will you be left struggling against the stormy weather? Only the flip of a card will decide in this captivating weather themed venture.

Flip N' Forecast

SKU: 197644166794
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